Methylated Spirits


  • Helps Clean and Degrease
  • Glass and Metal Surfaces
  • Liquid Cooking and Lamp Fuel

Available in these sizes

  • 500ml
  • 750ml
  • 5Liter

Methylated spirits (also known as denatured alcohol) has a wide range of uses, primarily due to its cleaning, disinfecting, and solvent properties. Some common uses include:

1. Window and Glass Cleaner: It leaves surfaces streak-free, which makes it a popular ingredient in homemade glass cleaning solutions.

2. Cleaning Agent: Methylated spirits is effective for cleaning a variety of surfaces including metals, and tools. It is used to remove grease, oils, stains, and sticky residues. It has antibacterial properties and can be used to sanitise surfaces. It is used to clean surfaces before painting or adhering materials, and for stripping old paint or finishes.

3. Fuel for Camping Stoves: Methylated spirits can be used as fuel in alcohol burners and portable stoves, especially for camping and outdoor activities.
Keep in mind, methylated spirits contain additives to make it unfit for human consumption, and it should be handled with care, as it is highly flammable and toxic when ingested.